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Don Royal

Don Royal

German Sport Horse
ein von einer Schlange umwundener Pfeil
Dark Chestnut
Deckart (Decktaxe)
Fresh semen (400 € vorab und 400 € bei Trächtigkeit)
DE 456560387414
Mating Type
Fresh semen
Station Neustadt (Dosse)
Stiftung BHLG, Neustadt (Dosse)
Stiftung BHLG, Neustadt (Dosse)
Approved for
German Sport Horse
WFFS Status
Results Stallion Performance Test

HLP I 14-Day Test: rated final score I Total: 8,2 Dressage: 8,79 Jumping: 7,2; physical test part I dressage final score 8,61



Don Juan de Hus x Rubin Royal x Gotland
Don Juan de Hus Jazz Cocktail
Vodorette Krack C
Prime Time Rubin Royal Rohdiamant
Primadonna Gotland

More images

Don Royal
Don Royal
Don Royal
Don Royal im Trab
Don Royal im Trab
Don Royal
Pferd mit Reiterin im Galopp
Pferd mit Reiterin im Trab
Pferd mit Siegerschärpe und Reiterin
Don Royal
Siegerhengst v. Don Royal - Quadroneur
Siegerhengst Dressur v. Don Royal - Quadroneur
Siegerhengst v. Don Royal - Quadroneur
Siegerhengst Dressur v. Don Royal - Quadroneur

Icensing winner of the Showcase of the Best 2016!

Don Royal delivers a brilliant start of his stallion career, after he left the licensing yard in Neustadt (Dosse) in 2016 as a radiant champion stallion, he proved his great prerequisites for a career in the sport. In 2017, for example, he became Verband Champion of 3 and 4-year-old stallions in Brandenburg-Anhalt and increased this even more by winning the Southern German Championship for 3-year-old stallions under the saddle of Anna Weilert. A success he was able to repeat in 2018 and again became Verband Champion and Southern German Champion. In the 14-day test, Don Royal presented himself as a highly talented sport horse with three exquisite basic gaits and received the highest dressage-emphasized final score of 8.79. In his sport test, he underlined this impression once again with a dressage-accentuated final score of 8.61. His first foal crop was outstanding; in addition to numerous premium foals, he was represented with 9 foals at the Brandenburg-Anhalt Foal Championships and thus represents the largest offspring group.

His sire is the important Don Juan de Hus, who embodies the best Dutch dressage genetics through Jazz and Krack. Himself winner of his stallion performance test and decorated with 6th place at the World Championships for Young Dressage Horses, he also convinces with first-class heredity. The dam Prime Time is a sister of the great Poesie, who enjoys international attention through her offspring (Poetin I-VI, Samba Hit I-V). Granddam Primadonna points to 5 successful offspring in advanced (S) level and the licensed Frühtau and Caprigold. The dam's sire Rubin Royal is a reliable supplier of highly talented sport horses.



Don Royal v. Don Juan de Hus x Rubin Royal x Gotland
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